Since wrapping up my book on Rose and finally publishing this week, I've wondered what to focus on next. I could take a break from writing, but I'd rather not. I ventured into the world of publishing later than I meant to, and I want to write as much as I can while I still have the chance.
Rose taught me many things...about life, about myself, about others. She helped me look at life and people differently. And so, while I am finished with her story (for now, at least) she will continue to be a part of me in my next venture. My main character's name for the next book is Leanna. The title of the book, unless I ultimately feel compelled to change it, will be The Silver Platter. And an important element of the story is a purple ribbon...I promise it will make more sense later.
Leanna works in an antique store, assisting it's elderly owner with many errands and responsibilities he can no longer take care of himself. As I mentioned in my previous blog, I started this story in 1989 and worked on it again in 2010. And honestly, I'm not sure which one is more difficult...starting a story from scratch, or attempting to complete and fill in gaps on a story that's 3/4 done. Leanna is waiting on me though, so I will tackle this with excitement.
The last time I worked on this story, I made a point of surrounding myself with antiques in order to really get into the feel of the plot. I would go to antique stores and just walk around for hours. It's something I love anyhow, truth be told, but it certainly helped me in my writing. I look forward to doing that once again.
Is Leanna a similar character to Rose? Well, I write from the heart, and a little bit of me goes into every one of my main characters. So there may be some resemblance between the two, but Leanna is unmistakably different in many ways.
And sidetracking me from Leanna is the cemetery book which still yearns for my attention to its completion, as well as a part II to Leanna's story which is at least 1/2 written, and a working title with a few thousand words for Rose part II. I find myself moving back and forth...I do that a lot. I'm desperately trying to do one thing at a time though. Each project is like a child, all begging for me to look at them and listen to them. And since I raised four kids, maybe that's why I can move back and forth between each project without a lot of difficulty. Maybe waiting until I was older to finally publish gave me a chance for life lessons that make it all the sweeter now.
And now, I must go...for Leanna is calling my name...
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